МС-07, МС-09, МС-2, МС4

Suspended air handling units of the MS series are compact devices which are intended for supply of the processed (filtration, heating, cooling) air indoors. Units must be installed indoors with maintaining the temperature range within +7 ... + 30 ° C. Working temperature range of the air passing through - from -25 ° C to 40 ° C.
This type of units is ideal for creating ventilation systems in small shops, cafes, restaurants, gyms and more.
The quality of MC series air handling units in guaranteed:
- are made according to technical conditions (Ukrainian Technical Conditions В.2.5.-29.2.- 2629701551-001 : 2008).
- certified in Ukraine.
- permitted area of application, according to the conclusion of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service - residential, civil and industrial facilities, medical and pharmaceutical institutions, clean rooms.
Suspended air handling units of the МС series are produced in 4 sizes:
МС-07 - air productivity up to 900 m³/h
МС-09 - air productivity up to 1100 m³/h
МС-2 - air productivity up to 2000 m³/h
МС-4 - air productivity up to 4000 m³/h
Also there is 11 complete set modules:
(P) PK - filter, fan
F - filter
X - cross recycler
(PW) PWK - filter, water heater, fan
PWFK - filter, water heater, freon cooler, fan
PWCK - filter, water heater, water cooler, fan
(PE) PEK - filter, electric heater, fan
PEFK - filter, electric heater, freon cooler, fan
PECK - filter, electric heater, water cooler, fan
PCK - filter, water cooler, fan
PFK - filter, freon cooler, fan
Unit types МС-07 and МС-09 are performed only in following modifications: P, PW and PE.
On the basis of the above modules it is possible to compose supply and exhaust air handling units with the cross recycler.
Unit elements:
- The MC-2 and MC-4 units cases consists of a frame made of aluminum profile and sandwich panels. The thickness of the panels is 20 mm.
- The case of MC-07 and MC-09 units is frameless.
Installation panels are made of sheet steel with aluzinc coating. The type of this coating provides reliable metal protection against corrosion and is recommended for use in areas with harsh air conditions. The service life of metal with this type of coating - up to 50 years. Filling of panels - mineral wool.
Removable inspection panels allow maintenance and control of internal elements of the unit. Inspection panels are removable and can be opened, which allows to maintain units with ease. The thickness of the panels in ceiling-mounted units is 20 mm.
Units use centrifugal fans with a motor on the shaft. All fans are manufactured by ZIEHL-ABEGG (Germany).
All units equipped with ЕС-motor fans.
EC-technology - it is an intelligent technology that uses an integrated electronic control system, which allows to ensure that the engine always runs at optimal load. Compared to AC motors, energy efficiency in EC motors is many times higher. The advantage of EC fans is low power consumption and ease of operation.
- High efficiency (93%), energy savings provides a reduction in operating costs (reduction of energy costs from 30% by optimizing the fan mode in accordance with the required parameters).
- Low noise level at relatively high power (lower than traditional fans by 20 ÷ 30 dB (A)).
- Possibility of smooth and precise regulation, possibility of programming, regulation of productivity of the fan depending on temperature, pressure, smoke level .
- Protection of the engine against mechanical damage and electric overloads (range of admissible supply voltages 200-277 V and 380-480 V ± 15%).
- Does not require maintenance service.
- Has a long service life (more than 60,000 hours, ie 6-8 years of continuous operation).
As a standard units equipped with non-flammable, moisture-resistant synthetic fabric EU4 pocket filters.
Heat exchangers:
Heat exchangers consist of copper tubes with aluminum fins. Collectors are made of copper, which prevents electrocorrosion (equipped with fittings for drainage and purging).
Water and freon coolers are equipped with a drainage tray and a drip trap. Optionally complete with hydraulic siphon.
Electric heaters:
- МС-07 equipped with an electric heater of 6 kW
- МС-09 equipped with an electric heater of 9 kW
- МС-2 equipped with an electric heater of 18 kW
- МС-4 can be equipped with 3 types of electric heaters: 36 kW, 45 kW and 54 kW
The electric heater is a group of resistance heating elements (heat-resistant alloy Cr-Ni-Fe). All heaters are mounted on a galvanized steel frame, equipped with a terminal block, connected on the levels and have two overheating thermostats (60 ° C and 90 ° C). Also, it should always be assumed that the air speed on the electric heater should be at least 1.5 ... 2 m / s.
Cross recycler:
A cross-section has been developed for the MC-2 and MC-4 units, on the basis of which it is possible to assemble module ceiling-mounted supply and exhaust air systems with heat recycling.
Countercurrent high-efficiency recuperator:
Also for MC-2 and MC-4 units, a section for high-efficiency recycler has been developed, on the basis of which it is possible to assemble module ceiling-mounted supply and exhaust air systems with heat recycling.
The counter-current recycler module is equipped with a drainage tray and a bypass valve, which avoids the risk of icing of the recycler.
There is no need to carry out installation and connection of automation board as it is can be made directly on unit.